In a shining example of the latest left leaning movement of the cancel culture trend, Montgomery County struck out to remove all references to and of former Planning Board Member Natali Fani-Gonzalez from all official county media. Fani-Gonzalez was informed of her cancellation from former colleague Partap Varma’s Twitter feed, and was a result of potential conflicts of interest stemming from her decision to run for County Council.

“While the Planning Board trusts that Natali can separate her County Council campaign developer fundraising from her Planning Board decision-making, we felt it best not to trust Natali with separating her County Council campaign developer fundraising from her Planning Board decision-making. We have accepted her resignation which we wrote and signed for her. The esteemed Councilmember Hans Riemer was kind enough to act as witness and notary, and he thanks him for his service.”

“We need to prove that the County isn’t afraid of stereotypes and systemic racism by finding ourselves an older white male replacement. That’s the most opposite and diverse we can get from Natali, and show we aren’t playing favorites.”

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