With public libraries still closed as seemingly everything else reopens in the County, library advocacy group Friends of the Library yesterday applied for Montgomery County’s first adult entertainment license. While historically it has been notoriously difficult to permit and open a strip club in Montgomery County, library manager Page Turner noted that “we’ve looked into all our options and this process will be far faster and easier than trying to convince the County to reopen all libraries.”
Montgomery County Public Libraries Head Librarian Belle was excited, “It’s extremely important that children are exposed to literature – there’s a great body of work out there that kids today just aren’t in touch with.” She added, “we set up a reservation website and ‘Hot for Teacher’ has been our number one request so far. I’ll have to see who the author is for that one.”
As of this morning, a line was already forming outside the proposed location in a city parking lot in Takoma Park currently being utilized by the Takoma Park-Silver Spring Co-op. Many in line had set up chairs and pitched a tent in anticipation of the opening. TPSS Co-op representatives were not as excited about the choice of location, insisting “we keep getting screwed.”
It was unclear why those waiting consisted mostly of men, but Belle was excited at the idea of anyone reading at all. County Councilmember Hans Riemer, a vocal proponent of reopening libraries, was first in line. “I’ve always pulled for both literacy and improving our nighttime economy.”
The Little Free Library has also been partnering with bars throughout the County to install their popular miniature libraries anywhere the County has allowed to open. The bartender at the Barking Dog noted, “Parents can finally go out and have a drink after being cooped up in the house with their kids for the past year. The kids can come along too and pick a book to cozy up in the reading corner we’ve set up by the dance floor.”